The schedule for Youmacon 2024 is now live! We hope you will enjoy the stream if you are unable to attend the convention. If you are able to attend we look forward to seeing you in The Fan Art Theater in Huntington Place 330 A with all the great content we have prepared for you this year. If you need to take a load off, charge your phone at a convenient power plug, or just want to get away from the noise on the floor we will be bringing back the Fan Art Theater Lounge in Huntington Place 330 B.
When we go live you can find our stream at:
We will go live starting at 11am local time on Friday November 1st! We will officially end the stream at 5pm local time on Sunday November 4th!
Make sure to scroll through the images or snag your own copy of the schedule file below! You can also see our events on the Live Events schedule at Youmacon’s website,