Ohayocon Fan Art Theater Competition 2025 Now Accepting Entries!

Time for another Fan Art Theater Competition this time with an Ohayocon Takeover!

The Ohayocon 2025 Fan Art Theater Competition is a video editing competition where participants create Fan Art music videos set to their favorite music and video sources. This Competition will be run in a similar fashion to our work for Youmacon with some rules changes and a different style of trophy. A full listing of these rules can be found in the “Full Rules” link below. We look forward to your submissions and wish you all the best of luck in pursuit of the very special awards we have created for this competition.

Competition Deadline: Jan 3rd 2025 11:59PM ET
Full Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/121pHyiuN7_BYMJejRHsiQGzoU26NWRtk_Ls4c9V-3nA/edit?usp=sharing
Submission Form: https://forms.gle/ew78n5iS8j3tnqVy9
Entry Status Page: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTxTPzfzTid-Jqj2-B6piY6tTavRR8QDVBKExqbG_RO_4hx8eeNZwICe0vryVAS0XxYI65hZtC9Pdwa/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
Event Schedule: TBD
Final Entry Status Post: TBD
Winners Post: TBD

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